Facebook-owned WhatsApp has launched a pilot that will let businesses communicate with the messaging service’s one billion daily users, with reports suggesting it will launch a dedicated app for small-to-medium businesses (SMB). More than three years have passed since Facebook agreed to purchase the messaging service for $19bn, and it has now given the first […]
Hiring app JOB TODAY is partnering with curated crowdsourcing video platform Userfarm to kick off a contest aimed at sourcing video content for its new social media advertising campaign. JOB TODAY – an app specialising in matching candidates with employers in the retail, hospitality and service industries within a 24-hour period – is calling for […]
Following the astounding success of the mobile game Sea Hero Quest, launched in 2016, Deutsche Telekom and Saatchi & Saatchi London launches the world’s first consumer focused Virtual Reality (VR) game where anyone can help scientists fight dementia through gameplay. Sea Hero Quest VR aims to harness the power of VR gameplay to aid dementia […]
Apple will now accept WeChat Pay as a payment method for App Store and iTunes purchases as it seeks to boost sales in China. The move comes months after Apple and WeChat owner Tencent fell out over Apple’s stance on in-app purchases. In a statement to Chinese media, Apple said the company is “dedicated to providing multiple […]
Truecaller have announced that the company achieved a record 200 million impressions in a single day in India, thus registering a 300 percent growth in its in-app advertising platform in one year. Meanwhile, real estate on Truecaller appreciated to the extent that over 70 percent of existing advertisers decided to continue to invest in Truecaller’s mobile […]
Popular weather app AccuWeather has been sending geolocation data to a third-party firm which uses location data to help publishers and media companies generate more money via accurate mobile audience segments. According to Verify.ly founder Will Strafach, when users accept location requests from the iOS version of the app they are also granting access to their location […]
LinkedIn is continuing to diversify its product portfolio with the introduction of native video, as the online professional network’s owner Microsoft seeks to bolster its fortunes. The B2B network said that it would now begin the global rollout of its native video offering to its 500 million-plus user base after it began experimenting with the […]
Barclays has teamed up with Apple to become the first UK high street bank to introduce the ability for customers to make payments using their voice through Siri. Siri has been integrated into the Barclays Mobile Banking app, meaning iPhone and iPad-using Barclays customers no longer need to open the app to pay existing payees and mobile […]
When the latest series of HBO’s Game of Thrones launched globally, NEON marked the release with a New Zealand-wide Snapchat lens, created by Mango Communications and DDB New Zealand, allowing fans to turn themselves into an ice-breathing White Walker. Mango was charged with generating hype ahead of the season premiere and public launch of the lens […]
Google has introduced a feature to Maps and Search that helps people find out all they need to know about a location they have searched for. With Google’s ‘Questions & Answers’, people are able to ask questions, get answers, and answer other people’s questions about places on Google Maps. The most informative questions and answers […]