Google adds Questions & Answer feature to Maps and Search

Google has introduced a feature to Maps and Search that helps people find out all they need to know about a location they have searched for.

With Google’s ‘Questions & Answers’, people are able to ask questions, get answers, and answer other people’s questions about places on Google Maps. The most informative questions and answers can be up-voted by tapping on the thumbs up icon, and the most up-voted content is placed toward the top of the location listing.

Business owners are also able to add frequently asked questions and answers to make sure information is accurate. Furthermore, business owners and in-the-know users are notified when a question is submitted to see if they have the answers.

The feature is being rolled out to Google Maps for Android and mobile Search users worldwide.

“No matter where you’re headed or what you’re looking to do, Google Maps and Search highlights the information you need to make quick decisions and discover the world around you,” said Lisa Wang, associate product manager for Google Maps, in a blog post.

Source: Mobile Marketing Magazine 

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