Snapchat is reportedly planning to launch its first developer platform, Snapkit, according to unnamed sources. The test version of the platform indicates it will let other apps offer a “login with Snapchat” option, similar to a feature offered by Facebook and Google. Snapkit would let software designers integrate their apps with Snapchat’s Bitmoji avatars and […]
Google has launched another app exclusively in India, as it continues to put a lot of work into the region. The latest app, following the launches of its food delivery and home services app Areo and its mobile payments app Tez last year, is aimed at providing the answers people need to local questions. The […]
After the misstep that was the app’s always-on location broadcasting Snap Map, Snapchat is taking another run at a location sharing tool for users, with the ability to send your position to a friend or request one from them. The feature marries the mapping power of the app’s earlier Snap Map with a more private […]
Starbucks will remain the most popular proximity mobile payment app, staying ahead of Apple Pay and other competitors, according to eMarketer’s latest forecast on US proximity mobile payments. This year, 23.4 million people ages 14 and over will use the Starbucks app to make a point-of-sale purchase at least once every six months. That puts […]
Slack, a collaboration hub for the modern workplace, in line with its first ever developer conference, Spec, will be announcing a range of new features, revealing the latest Slack Fund investments, as well as unveiling the fastest growing app integrations across the UK. The fastest growing app integration for Slack users, in UK in 2018, […]
We’ve been expecting voice-powered virtual assistants in financial apps for a while now — Bank of America started developing its own back in 2016. Dubbed Erica, the virtual assistant is now ready to roll out to the bank’s 25 million mobile clients across the US, from now through June of this year. Bank of America […]
Safeguard Philippines goes full interactive as the soap brand takes it marketing game a notch higher with augmented reality (AR). Showing that it’s serious about digitising its marketing campaigns, the nation’s number one soap brand launches its first-ever AR video application through A free augmented reality and customisable video app for smartphones, Fuse It […]
In November, BMW was the first to test Snapchat’s Snap Ad to AR augmented reality ad unit — a form of a Snap ad where people swipe up on a video or image to trigger a related branded lens. BMW used it to launch its BMW X2, making it so a 3D version of the car […]
Fashion designer Philip Normal has joined forces with artist Jock Mooney and Zappar, an augmented reality (AR) app, to celebrate the upcoming royal wedding between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle with an AR-powered t-shirt. The t-shirts, which went on sale this week, have a zapcode embedded in their design – enabling users of the Zappar app to scan […]
YouTube is entering the crowded music streaming market with its own subscription service set to launch later in May 2018. Aptly named YouTube Music, the platform will offer listeners two options, following by example of it’s soon to be competitors, including an ad-supported, free version or an ad-free experience costing $9.99 per month. According to […]