Snapchat is reportedly planning to launch its first developer platform, Snapkit, according to unnamed sources. The test version of the platform indicates it will let other apps offer a “login with Snapchat” option, similar to a feature offered by Facebook and Google. Snapkit would let software designers integrate their apps with Snapchat’s Bitmoji avatars and […]
Telekom Romania, one of the country’s three biggest telco brands, is bursting millennials’ so-called filter bubbles with a groundbreaking campaign called ‘Swap de vloggeri’ or ‘Vloggers’ Swap’. Using data insights to identify the delineated audiences of the country’s most influential vloggers, the campaign centers on a surprise switch, seeing popular YouTube channel hosts swap places […]
According to Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI) someone in the world develops dementia every three seconds. There are more than 50 million people living with dementia globally. With the number of dementia cases, including Alzheimer’s disease, on the rise, it is shocking how low public awareness is of the condition that affects so many individuals and […]
After the misstep that was the app’s always-on location broadcasting Snap Map, Snapchat is taking another run at a location sharing tool for users, with the ability to send your position to a friend or request one from them. The feature marries the mapping power of the app’s earlier Snap Map with a more private […]
KFC launched a summer sweepstakes where fans can win a limited-edition KFC Colonel floatie. The floatie is in the likeness of Colonel Sanders and features holders for a bucket of chicken and beverages. Through June 22, fans can visit to enter to win one of the floaties, which aren’t available for sale. KFC announced […]
Facebook has announced that its Stories platform has 150 million daily active users, and that it’ll begin testing ads on Stories in the US, Mexico and Brazil. The video ads are 5 to 15 seconds long, and users have the option to skip them. Facebook can automatically reformat ads on the News Feed with borders […]
In November, BMW was the first to test Snapchat’s Snap Ad to AR augmented reality ad unit — a form of a Snap ad where people swipe up on a video or image to trigger a related branded lens. BMW used it to launch its BMW X2, making it so a 3D version of the car […]
Snapchat viewers are seeing a new type of ad—ones they have to watch. On Monday, the first forced-view ads, meaning they can’t be skipped, started popping up on the app, promoting movies like “Deadpool” and “Adrift” and products such as Samsung’s Galaxy S9 and Snapple. After basing its initial ad business on an entirely voluntary […]
Kool-Aid is promoting the launch of a new carbonated drink aimed at older kids and teens with a campaign on social media, according to a statement. From now till September 15, Snapchat users can add special lenses and filters to their photos. When using the inward-facing camera of a smartphone, users can see virtual […]
Since it was founded in 2011, Snapchat has exploded onto the social media scene, boasting 187 million active daily users globally, as reported in February 2018. This was up 18% (29 million) year on year and an impressive 75% (80 million) compared with Q4 2016 (Statista February 2018). What’s interesting from a brand perspective is […]