Snapchat is putting an end to its peer-to-peer payment feature, ending a four-year partnership with payment processor Square. According to TechCrunch, Snapcash will be dropped from the app on 30 August, as discovered in a deprecation message buried within Snapchat’s code. This has since been confirmed by Snapchat, saying: “Yes, we’re discontinuing the Snapcash feature as […]
KFC partnered with Super Deluxe to run a four-hour live stream of cats exploring a model of the brand’s mascot and founder Colonel Sanders. The agency broadcast live footage of the felines exploring a six-foot effigy of the Colonel on Facebook Live. It’s believed around 1m viewers tuned into the spectacle, with 700,000 watching […]
Facebook recently announced in a blog that it has added five new features to its Ads Manager app, making it easier for advertisers to use creative tools using their smartphones. Now, while creating an ad on their mobile devices, advertisers can play around with tools like text overlays, stickers, logos or color filters. Facebook has also included […]
Android’s new #IMakeApps campaign celebrates the hard work, creativity and entrepreneurial spirit of app and game makers around the world. This social campaign by London based creative agency Gramafilm, shines the spotlight on the exceptional community of people who make up the Android developer ecosystem. #IMakeApps shares the stories, dreams and passions of the individuals behind the […]
Bacardí are becoming well recognised for their music-centric entertainment by consistently creating content and experiences that push people to “Do What Moves You.” Their latest summer campaign activation, following on the heels of their playful “Dance Floor” film, is no different. “Live Moves”, debuts as the first music video directed in real-time entirely by fans […]
Buzzoole, the leading influencer marketing platform and service in Europe, announced the launch of a new integration with Instagram that will allow brands to monitor ‘stories-based’ Influencer Marketing campaigns. Instagram has recently reached one billion monthly users and rolled out its new video hub IGTV, stressing the importance of engaging with users using multiple formats. […]
Instagram Stories are about to get even busier, with the addition of licensed music. Starting June 28, users will be able to add background music to their posts on their Stories, with thousands of songs offered directly in the app. The Facebook-owned app says new songs will be added daily. Adding songs to Stories works […]
Instagram has rolled out video chat, giving users the chance to be part of up to four-person video calls via the app’s ‘Direct’ private messaging feature. With video chat, Instagram users can communicate with their friends via video without a phone number across both iOS and Android. The feature can be accessed through any message […]
Furniture brand Neptune is among the first advertisers in the UK to pioneer the first commercial use of Pinterest’s new Pincodes through a print and digital campaign in partnership with lifestyle publication Livingetc, combining advertorial, product placement and social. The campaign, created by the newly branded TI Media (formerly Time Inc. UK), involves Neptune’s sponsored […]
Indian Future Group’s brand Big Bazaar has rolled out a Facebook augmented reality camera game as part of its FIFA World Cup activation. Facebook users can use the the camera on their mobile app and bounce the ball on their head. The activation is conceptualised by Bangalore based tech agency Alivenow. Pawan Sarda, group head of […]