Real-Time Data Used to Calculate the Brand Power of Athletes

Real-Time Data Used to Calculate the Brand Power of Athletes

Brandtix is the first global sports index platform that provides analytics on a players’s brand value, based on up-to-date athletic performance and social media presence. The website and app were developed by a team of experienced sports marketers to help agents, sponsors, broadcasters, and clubs make informed endorsement decisions. Brandtix combines real-time, incremental analytics pulled […]

APAC mobile shoppers use the platform more frequently – but are less satisfied with it

APAC mobile shoppers use the platform more frequently – but are less satisfied with it

The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB)  released an in-depth survey of 3,800 mobile users in 19 countries around the world, including Asian countries such as Singapore, China, and Japan. Announced during the IAB MIXX Conference, the survey revealed that Asia Pacific (APAC) consumers take the lead in frequent mobile purchases. Globally, nearly a quarter of mobile […]

Facebook Sheds Light on Mobile Design Principles, Tips New Analytics Tools

Facebook Sheds Light on Mobile Design Principles, Tips New Analytics Tools

As Margaret Gould Stewart explains it, when it comes to mobile ad experiences, Facebook views user sentiment and trust the same way it might look at a natural resource: don’t use it up. At the TAP Conference today, Gould Stewart, VP of Product Design at Facebook, laid out how the social network thinks about mobile […]

Johnnie Walker’s World Class Whisky Education Now Available From Home or On The Go

Johnnie Walker’s World Class Whisky Education Now Available From Home or On The Go

Johnnie Walker Blended Scotch Whisky announces the launch of a new digital mentorship program, leading a new era of whisky education that can be enjoyed from the comforts of home for those of legal drinking age. As the number one blended Scotch whisky in the world, Johnnie Walker continues to innovate in new and exciting […]

Läkerol creates an App to connect Native Swedish Speakers with Refugees

Läkerol creates an App to connect Native Swedish Speakers with Refugees

Let´s Talk is a free app from Läkerol that connects people who speak fluent Swedish to people who need to practice the language. The App has been developed by King Agency in Sweden. A clever and refreshing way for a Lozenge Brand to encourage Social Good and ignite conversations. Willing Swedes can demonstrate another way […]

Mobile At The Heart Of Retail Experience According To IAB Global Report

Mobile At The Heart Of Retail Experience According To IAB Global Report

Mobile shopping and purchasing have become the norm across the globe, according to “Mobile Commerce: A Global Perspective,” an in-depth survey of mobile users from 19 countries around the world, released today by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) at the IAB MIXX Conference. Just over three-quarters (76 per cent) of smartphone and tablet users in […]

Marketers prefer prudent spending on mobile advertising

Marketers prefer prudent spending on mobile advertising

  While penetration of smartphones and mobile services continues to increase in Asian markets, mobile advertising is not as prevalent as is assumed. Brand owners still allocate a substantial amount of money to advertise on conventional media. According to data from the Asia Pacific branch of the Mobile Marketing Association (MMA), the average company in […]

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