It’s that time again when industry experts, including the team here at Code Computerlove, predict what will be the key trends in the year ahead. Taking aside the three technology-related trends that are dominating trends talk in 2018, Code Computerlove’s Louis Georgiou shares his views on where the digital industry is heading next and what […]
It’s been over a year since Google announced that it would be changing the way it ranks its search index, prioritising mobile across all platforms, with the desktop index maintained, but updated less frequently. Now, that change is finally beginning to roll out. The shift means that Google’s algorithms will primarily use the mobile version of […]
What if your Instagram feed was all around you as you walked through the city? That’s the challenge GS&P Labs, Goodby Silverstein & Partners’ in-house innovation department, tackled with its new prototype, GRAMAR. The new prototype fuses Instagram and ARKit by turning Instagram photos into 8ft x 8ft images and places them in the world around […]
Ogury, the mobile data platform, released its Mobile Banking Study 2017 – an analysis of over 1,265,000 mobile users active during July – September 2017 in the US, UK, Germany, France, Italy and Spain. The study reveals that UK fintechs are increasing their market share amongst mobile banking users, with 8.8% having downloaded at least […]
Southeast Asia’s Internet economy is set to hit $50bn in 2017, outpacing earlier growth expectations by 35% and well on track to realising a $200bn internet economy by 2025, according to a report released by Google and Temasek Holdings, the Singapore government’s investment vehicle, called the ‘e-Conomy Southeast Asia Spotlight 2017’. The report found that […]
MOOHbile technology is the new technological development that arises from the strategic partnership between Clear Channel Peru and TAP TAP. This technology synchronises external advertising strategies hyper-locally in the mobile and allows re-impacting the audience OOH with ad hoc content on their smartphones. Renault was the first brand to take advantage of this technology. And […]
Eight months after debuting the AR Studio tool and Augmented Reality Camera Effects platform at its F8 developer conference, Facebook has opened the platform up to developers around the world as the solution leaves its private beta test. Developers will now be able to create AR experiences that make use of the Facebook Camera tool, […]
Microsoft has partnered with Cheetah Mobile to bring its AI technology to the mobile internet firm’s own products – commencing with its Cortana virtual assistant. The disembodied helper will be baked into Cheetah’s own mobile CM Launcher app, the first such launcher app to incorporate Cortana, with plans already in train to extend usage to other apps such as Cheetah […]
Apple officially confirmed it’s acquiring the music recognition app Shazam, according to Buzzfeed. The purchase is the latest acquisition for the world’s largest tech company. First launched in 1999, Shazam has grown significantly over the last several years. Once specifically devoted to music recognition, Shazam now accepts audio and visual clips to identify songs, movies, and […]
Google has surpassed Facebook as the primary source of referral traffic for web publishers in a reversal of fortunes for the tech titans since the beginning of the year. Data provided by digital analytics specialists highlights the diverging fortunes of both tech giants with Facebook’s share of external traffic referral slumping from 40 to […]