Tecno Mobile India has launched a new campaign for the Camon i. The launch of the TVC comes right after the unveiling of Tecno’s Camon i, its first smartphone under the global flagship Camon series, in India. The campaign was created in association with Creativeland Asia. It is directed by Kartik Ramnathkar and produced by […]
In its first global branding campaign, Alibaba is making a big play for higher international visibility by focusing on “the greatness of small”. Launched for the upcoming PyeongChang 2018 games, the campaign features a cast of multinational athletes who have made, or may make, outsized impacts. The three-part series by BBDO China, which debuted Monday, […]
After tussling with Uber in its home market of India, Ola is ready to go up against the ride-hailing giant in new territory as it expands beyond the country’s borders for the first time: the company has announced it’s launching operations in Australia this year. Ola claims to have garnered 125 million passengers on its […]
Preoday, the global provider of branded digital ordering services, has launched its new Hotline functionality to enhance its mobile and online ordering platform. Hotline is an additional feature of the digital ordering platform. It enables restaurants and cafes to take orders over the phone and enter them into the same system as those taken through […]
Voice-enabled technology, from smart speakers to virtual assistants, is opening an entirely new interface through which brands and consumers will engage and communicate in 2018, according to WARC, the global marketing intelligence service, following a survey with more than 600 marketing and advertising professionals around the world for its Toolkit 2018 report. Voice is swiftly […]
Malaysia will be the first country outside China to adopt Alibaba Cloud’s City Brain solution, according to the e-commerce giant. Alibaba Group’s cloud computing arm has teamed up with Malaysian government agencies, Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) and Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (DBKL), to introduce its cloud solution to improve the traffic in the country’s capital city […]
Google has confirmed its investment in Go-Jek, the hail-railing service that rivals Uber and Grab in Indonesia. TechCrunch reported the investment earlier this month, which was made alongside China’s Meituan-Dianping and Singaporean sovereign fund Temasek. The trio were part of a final tranche of a $1.2 billion round that Go-Jek began negotiating on last April, […]
Consumers could be using up to 100GB of data on their phones every month by 2025, according to mobile network provider GiffGaff. The company said the introduction of 5G will lead to an “explosive” growth in data consumption. It tipped video streaming to be see the largest growth. In 2017, users consumed just 0.83GB worth […]
Over the past several years, Facebook has devoted a considerable amount of its resources towards developing chatbots. It has made several advancements in this area, but is now focusing its efforts on improving conversational abilities. Despite their label, chatbots aren’t very good at making small talk. In a recent report, Facebook’s researchers pointed to several […]
The two leading cross-industry standards bodies in the UK and US today announced they are aligning many of their key initiatives to create a consistent approach to tackling the big issues facing digital advertising and to increase industry adoption. The Joint Industry Committee for Web Standards (JICWEBS) will continue to drive brand safety efforts in […]