WhatsApp has launched a separate app designed for use by small businesses to more easily connect with customers. WhatsApp Business adds key features like dedicated business profiles for details like email address, business description, store addresses, and website; smart messaging tools like greetings, quick replies, and away messages; and metrics for how many messages were […]
The São Paulo Pinacoteca ─ the oldest art museum in the city ─ launched an interactive game to promote a unique experience for those who visit the institution: it transforms the subway and metropolitan train lines in São Paulo into a giant game board and challenges players with questions about the art collections at […]
Over-the-top (OTT) streaming firm Roku has unveiled a series of tools to help marketers get better value from ads on the platform. The new feature, dubbed Ad Insights, will offer expanded OTT measurement for brands as well as give access to data around reach and effectiveness across linear and digital formats. Less than 12 months […]
Chinese ride-sharing giant Didi Chuxing launched a bike-sharing platform within its mobile app on Wednesday. Riders in Beijing and Shenzhen can use two popular shared bikes companies, Ofo and Bluegogo, via Didi’s latest version of the app, with no deposit required for riding Bluegogo bikes. Didi is an investor in Ofo, and it announced last […]
Line Corporation, the Japanese subsidiary of South Korean internet company Naver Corporation, has entered into a ‘capital alliance’ with investment management firm Folio, which will see its service integrated into the Line messaging app. Following a Line investment in Folio, the pair will work to implement the service on the Line app – which now […]
India downloaded more apps than the US in 2017, a new report by app analytics provider App Annie has revealed. Riding on increased smartphone penetration and dirt-cheap 4G data access, India accounted for nearly 58 billion of the world’s 175 billion app downloads in 2017. Only China, the world’s largest internet market, is ahead with […]
Big Bazaar, one of the leading hypermarket chains from Future Group, has for the first time created a mobile game to promote its mega property, ‘Big Bazaar Sabse Saste 5 Din’. Designed and executed by L & K Saatchi & Saatchi, Big Bazaar’s ‘Deal Skyfall – Sabse Saste 5 Din’ game is set to transform […]
AR (augmented reality) technology company Blippar has teamed up with Unilever’s Magnum ice cream brand and Mindshare to launch its first Asia-Pacific campaign using its AR digital placement (ARDP) unit. The ‘Make My Magnum’ experience allows users to create their own personalised Magnums—by selecting from a list of 18 toppings—on their smartphones using Blippar’s ARDP. […]
Mobile messaging service Hike just launched Total, a new service that lets Android users in India make payments to businesses and transfer money, read news, book train tickets, and chat with their contacts on the platform – all without mobile data. The company, which claims 100 million users on its platform, has been working for […]
Southeast Asian ride-hailing firm Grab today said it has acquired Bengaluru-based payments startup iKaaz to strengthen its payments platform. Grab, which competes with the likes of US-based Uber, said the “rich functionality of iKaaz mobile payments platform and its experienced leadership team will accelerate feature development and partner integration of GrabPay (its payments platform)”. It, […]