Twitter has invested £50m in Berlin-based music streaming service SoundCloud, after walking away from an acquisition deal in 2014. According to Re/code, Twitter’s investment is part of a bigger £70m round, which would value the streaming service at around £500m. Twitter’s chief executive, Jack Dorsey, confirmed the deal to the publication. “Earlier this year we […]
With the decline in text and increase in sharing through pictures and video, Facebook’s EMEA vice president Nicola Mendelsohn said she would put money on Facebook becoming “all video over the next five years”. Speaking at the Fortune Most Powerful Women International Summit today Mendelsohn also noted the importance of virtual reality and the rise […]
Slowly but surely, Instagram is turning into a direct-response platform for brands, and now calls-to-action look a little bit more like banner ads than highly styled and edited posts. The Facebook-owned app is rolling out a feature that links ads to profile pages so that when someone clicks on an ad from the news feed, […]
With Euro 2016 now in full swing, new research uncovers that the vast majority (88%) are second screeners, using their mobiles and TVs at the same time. The vast majority of Euros viewers say that they use additional devices to get online while they are watching TV. Mobiles are particularly key within this, being used by […]
Apple is famously controlling of the user experience, but the company appears to be rethinking a central tenet of its software philosophy as rivals steam ahead with AI, messaging and chatbots. The company announced at its annual WWDC developer conference yesterday (13 June) that Siri, Maps and iMessage were now open to developers – a […]
Snapchat has introduced a raft of new features as it looks to bulk up its advertising offering and become a go-to destination for brands. The messaging app has been on the charm-offensive for a slice of marketers’ budgets for the past year and now it has unveiled three updates designed make it easier for companies […]
A new Fitbit-style smartphone app is aiming to help reduce the number of university dropouts and enhance students’ learning experience. Universities from across the UK are trialling the app – developed by higher education (HE) technology company, Jisc – which records students’ learning activity, allowing the university to step in should they veer off course. […]
With the Euro 2016 currently on in way in France, Wochit co-founder & CEO Dror Ginzberg argues that this might be the last major international football tournament to be aired exclusively on television. “UEFA auctioned the television rights to Euro 2016 for a record total of £782m across 230 territories a number of years ago before the fragment of sports […]
Dark social is an increasingly important source of referral traffic. According to new research from RadiumOne, dark social dominates how people share and interact with online content on smartphones. Its research found that dark social channels account for 77% of shared content via mobile phones, with just 23% coming from public social networks. And when […]
As retailers hunker down on perfecting their location-based marketing techniques, the tactic of integrating mobile advertisements with directions to bricks-and-mortar stores via map applications may be the strategy they are searching for. Although ads for strictly mobile or digital promotions are often times at the top of retailers’ sought-after marketing initiatives lists, the importance of […]