Subscription Economy grows more that 350% in 7.5 years, according to Zuora

Subscription Economy grows more that 350% in 7.5 years, according to Zuora

Over the past seven and a half years, the Subscription Economy has continued to thrive, growing more than 350 percent, as consumers increasingly demand access to convenient, digital services over the ownership of physical products. The latest edition of the biannual Subscription Economy Index from Zuora – the leading cloud-based subscription management provider – has […]

Social media overtakes print to become the third-largest advertising channel, says Zenith

Social media overtakes print to become the third-largest advertising channel, says Zenith

Advertisers will spend more on social media platforms than on print for the first time this year, according to Zenith’s Advertising Expenditure Forecasts, published on October 7. Advertising expenditure on social media will grow 20% this year to reach US$84bn, while advertisers’ combined expenditure on newspapers and magazines will fall 6% to US$69bn. Social media […]

Facebook app no longer indispensable for most mobile users as instant messaging gains momentum

Facebook app no longer indispensable for most mobile users as instant messaging gains momentum

The importance of Facebook as a mobile app in the eyes of consumers across the US, UK, Germany and Northern Europe is in steep decline a major study of 13,000 people by technology-based market research company AudienceProject has found. The study set out to ask consumers in seven markets how indispensable different apps on their mobile […]

Smartphone overtakes the laptop as the top device when shopping, says new research

Smartphone overtakes the laptop as the top device when shopping, says new research

Snapchat have released a new report which has found that the smartphone has overtaken the laptop as the top device when shopping: 85% shop online using their smartphone versus 63% on laptops. The report, which was conducted by consumer research experts, Sparkler, surveyed 2,977 people across the UK, to gauge how technology is transforming our […]

31% of consumers shop on social media despite worries, according to new MarkMonitor research

31% of consumers shop on social media despite worries, according to new MarkMonitor research

More than 90% of consumers have concerns about shopping via social media, yet nearly one-third still use it as a shopping platform, according to new research. The report by MarkMonitor, a Clarivate Analytics company and a world leader in enterprise brand protection, revealed that shoppers are worried about payment security (59%), the quality of goods (56%), […]

Half of marketers want complete control over influencers’ marketing posts

Half of marketers want complete control over influencers’ marketing posts

Leading influencer marketing service, Takumi, publishes findings on the Instagram influencer marketing industry’s dynamics – in a study of over 4,000 consumers, marketers and influencers across the UK, US, and Germany. The report ‘Trust, transactions and trend-setters: the realities of influencer marketing’, focuses on four key themes: legislation, authenticity, influence & trust, and creativity & control. […]

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