Foundation Laço Rosa, an organisation in Brazil that fights against breast cancer, has installed an interactive panel that receives donations at the same time as it shows the power of a contribution.
From a distance, the piece is an enormous barcode. But, up close, it is possible to read the names of women patients who receive wigs from the Foundation. Therefore, what was a queue of women in the layout becomes a donation in that same instant.

The accessory is expensive and contributes to improving these women’s self-esteem while they confront breast cancer. Even being composed of words, the barcode actually works and is recognised by any bank app.
The action #SELFESTEEMCODE was created by agency F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi and is currently installed at the airports of Curitiba and Ribeirão Preto. And every time the panel is substituted to show a new barcode, the names of the patients will be different, representing that the queue as moved.
Those who cannot check out the installation up close but would like to contribute for the queue to move a little more can also donate on the website. It’s quick and easy.
Source: F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi
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