Zyalin Group announces the release of its newest product, iKydz Lite, providing low cost internet safety for all. Designed with all the simplicity of iKydz’s Total Internet Control on one app, delivered at a price that makes it as affordable as possible for families around the world.
Irish firm Zyalin Group is on a mission to help people create a safer internet for their kids. Their consumer product, iKydz, was produced by parents for parents and was designed to make it easier to manage their children’s online behaviours and to create a safer Internet.
Zyalin’s goal has been to create a simple way for parents to manage the numerous internet-connected devices that are found in homes today with just one app on their phone. They have created that with their iKydz product suite, and now they have gone one step further.
“We are parents who wanted to create something to help manage our own kids’ online habits. We know what it is like to feel frustrated and confused by what’s currently on offer in the Internet safety space. There was a real need for a robust but unobtrusive solution and so we created the iKydz product suite. What we’re really excited about now is iKydz Lite. The newest offering in our range gives families a really affordable parental control solution, with a plug and play device to keep it really simple and easy to use,” said John Molloy, CEO at Zyalin Group.
“What’s unique about iKydz Lite is that we haven’t compromised on quality, but we have slashed the price to make it affordable for as many people as possible. It isn’t free, unfortunately, but I think people understand that if they’re getting a “free” solution to manage their kids online, then they’re going to pay for it somewhere else down the line.”

iKydz Lite can manage up to 243 devices and has an incredibly low RRP of just $15 and a monthly subscription fee of around the price of a cup of coffee. What that gives customers is the ability to manage up to 243 devices on their home wifi network and three mobile devices on any 3/4G network.
“We’re one of the only solutions in the world making it so easy for parents to manage their kids online and to do it at this price is unheard of”, Molloy added. “This isn’t about restricting kids’ use of the Internet; it’s about common-sense parenting in a very complex technical world and making it easy for people to take control.”
In addition to the release of iKydz Lite, Zyalin has announced the release of its new SIM-based iKydz Mobile solution. iKydz Mobile revolutionised the deployment of parental internet controls to 3/4G children’s mobile devices with the use of QR codes. Now, Zyalin Group has added to its retail-ready solution by enabling the deployment of iKydz Mobile using standard SIM cards.
“We offer retail-ready internet control solutions to Operators. The introduction of our SIM-based solution means that Network Operators can quickly white-label the product and roll out the solution through their retail network with ease. There is little to no integration required and the switch-on is instantaneous. Our solutions have a simple, scalable infrastructure, making it easy for operators and providers to deploy revenue-generating, value-adding services to their customers. It gives telecommunication companies a strong differentiator in a fractured marketplace that is crowded with poorly thought-through half-solutions around Internet safety and control,” added Molloy.
“We’re on a mission to make the Internet safer for kids. I started this journey to protect the wellbeing of my own kids and what I want now is for other parents to get the benefit of our simple total internet control solution. We know everyone is busy, so we’ve made it really easy for parents to use it, really easy for network operators to adopt and sell it to their customers and now we’ve made it really cheap too.”
Source: Zyalin Group
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