The&Partnership Nordics has created a new campaign, ‘Femti Femti’ (“Fifty Fifty”) for Swedish household retailer Tretti, revealing how the equal sharing of household chores leads to longer-lasting love.
‘Femti Femti’ is based on data from Stockholm University, which shows that couples who share household chores equally stay together longer – and that arguments over housework is a common factor in break-ups.

The campaign follows a couple, Mikaela and David, whose home is installed with smart household products equipped with a voice recognition ‘lock’, automatically preventing products from being used by the same person twice in a row.
Forced to share the housework for the first time, the couple begin by attempting to stick to a prescriptive rota of chores. As time goes on, it becomes more natural for them to share tasks equally, and to talk more openly about the benefits of sharing the load at home.
David, the male partner in the experiment, says: “Overall, we’ve gained a greater understanding of what equality actually means, for real.”
“I think it’s been really educational,” says Mikaela. “We hope to be better role models for our daughter.”

As part of the campaign, The&Partnership has also created an online test for Tretti customers, evaluating how equal their household really is.
Joachim Medalen, CEO of The&Partnership Nordics, said: “We hope this campaign will encourage viewers to embrace a 50/50 split of workload in the home, as well as building awareness of Tretti’s excellent portfolio of household goods. ‘Femti Femti’ was great fun to make – and it was fascinating to see how the findings from Stockholm University were borne out in our experiment with Mikaela and David.”
Rikke Bülow Davidsen, Chief Development Officer at Tretti, said: “At Tretti, we know the difference it can make to have the right tools at home – both for more practical reasons, but also when it comes to relationships. We wanted to share that insight. If ‘Femti Femti’ can also create debate on how we can make everyday life more equal, that is another plus.”
Source: The&Partnership
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