More than 10 million UK workers could be using smartphones to boost productivity, says Deloitte

More than 10 million UK workers could be using smartphones to boost productivity, says Deloitte

Almost a third of the UK working population – 10.4 million people – could be using smartphones to be more productive at work, according to new research from Deloitte, Mobile Readiness for Work, which is based on survey responses from 3,369 UK workers. Going mobile: narrowing the productivity gap The study found that of the […]

Going Mobile: The New Way to Work

Going Mobile: The New Way to Work

Social collaboration works for work, and what could be more social than mobile phones? The rising use of mobile technology has led to a growing need to provide mobile-optimized versions of everything, and is leading to a seismic shift in the workplace. A growing market of Millennials say that they would rather use text to […]