Flashpoint’s Olivia Rowley Discusses Pricing of Goods and Services on the Deep and Dark Web

Flashpoint’s Olivia Rowley Discusses Pricing of Goods and Services on the Deep and Dark Web

The Deep & Dark Web facilitates an expansive and dynamic underground economy shaped by the diverse skills and motivations of a wide range of adversaries. The forums and marketplaces where illicit goods and services are exchanged have come to play an influential role in today’s cyber and physical threat landscape by providing access to the […]

Predictive Analytics: Fad or the Future of Cyber Security?

Predictive Analytics: Fad or the Future of Cyber Security?

Mike Hemes, Regional Director, A10 Networks They’re called superforecaster. A subset of human study volunteers who have an uncanny ability to predict the future better than the general populous. Who are these individuals? According to The Washington Post, the superforecaster term was coined by University of Pennsylvania professor Philip Tetlock. His 20-year study — explained in […]