Huawei uses AI to ‘complete unfinished symphony’ by Schubert

Huawei uses AI to ‘complete unfinished symphony’ by Schubert

Huawei has used the power of AI and human expertise to compose the final two movements of Schubert’s famous Symphony No. 8. commonly known as the ‘Unfinished Symphony’. Symphony No. 8 has remained incomplete for 197 years and despite numerous attempts it remains one of the most intriguing pieces of unfinished symphonic music of all […]

HUAWEI’s new app uses AI to help the blind ‘see’ emotions through the power of sound

HUAWEI’s new app uses AI to help the blind ‘see’ emotions through the power of sound

HUAWEI has created an app, that allows blind people to ‘see’ or experience emotions on the faces of people they are speaking to using the power of artificial intelligence (AI). The Facing Emotions app utilises the powerful camera and AI of the HUAWEI Mate 20 Pro, to translate seven universal human emotions, into seven unique […]