Plan.Net Hamburg has been the media and consulting agency for Audible since March 2015. The Amazon subsidiary, based in Berlin, is a leading provider of digital listening experiences offering more than 250,000 titles. The goal of the collaboration was and still is to further increase brand awareness and sales for Audible as well as the perception and appeal of the entire category. As key performance indicators (KPIs), the increase of supported brand awareness as well as the sales intention for number of subscriptions were therefore defined in advance.To achieve this goal, superior branding measures were developed over the previous two years and important campaigns for the advertisement of major audio books – the “Lighthouse Campaigns” – were implemented for especially important Audible projects. The targets for these jointly implemented “Branding” and “Lighthouse Campaigns” have thus far been clearly exceeded.
Newly integrated campaign for “Origin”
On 4th October 2017, Plan.Net Hamburg launched a new integrated campaign for the launch of the fifth Robert Langdon thriller “Origin” by best selling author Dan Brown. With the campaign, Plan.Net and Audible are aiming to replicate the success of previous “Lighthouse campaigns”, such as Alien, Fifty Shades of Grey and the new audio books from the Harry Potter series. These products clearly surpassed the expectations of Audible.With the combination of extensive market research, business intelligence, creation and precisely customised targeting, the targets – increase brand awareness by twenty percent, purchasing intention by ten percent and the actual conversions for the Audible core project “Flexi Abo” by thirty percent – were not only achieved, they were also surpassed: “The unsupported brand awareness increased by more than 70 percent in the relevant target groups and thus gave the Audible the leading edge as ‘the best known audio book brand’. Additionally, purchasing intention increased by 29 percent and the newly completed ‘Flexi Abos’ by 35 percent.”, rejoiced Diana Degraa, Managing Partner of Plan.Net Hamburg.
Strategic media concept
This was achieved by a newly orchestrated media mix (TV and digital in addition to radio and OoH), which supports the Audible brand experience, the purchasing option and the final push. The target group was individually addressed by Plan.Net Hamburg for all digital touch points through intelligent targeting. The basis was a sub target group analysis with psychograohic profiling based on individual needs and analysable online behaviour By using business intelligence and the marketing mix modelling analyses, the entire media mix was continuously optimised.
Big Data Strategy
Audible integrated all communications and sales data into a big data environment that was specially developed for the company by Plan.Net. As a result, it was possible to analyse, evaluate and optimise in real time the sales performance or the business value of communication and sales measures applied across all touch points. Algorithms were created from the data from this big data environment that quantified the contributions and the ROI of classical and digital communication measures in the interaction of quantified, concrete prognoses of future sales performances so that efficient communications investments and plans could be stimulated.Digital and radio as well as webradio are planned as core media for the new Dan Brown campaign. The campaigning team from Plan.Net Hamburg is responsible for the creation, which also develops digital advertising in the form of image text combinations and HTML5 banners for internal use at Amazon and Kindle and in their own blogs.
The successes of Audible communication go into production. Another “Lighthouse campaign” for Fitzek Titel’s “Fear of Flying 7A” is already being prepared for November this year. Six titles are expected to be realised in 2018.
Source: PLAN.NET |
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