The integration of cybersecurity and IP protection expert White Bullet with 4D Context Outcomes Engine – a division of Silverbullet – is now live. The cutting-edge solution is now ready to prevent ads being served on pirate websites and apps.

Currently, advertisers waste billions of dollars on illegal content and IP-infringing sites, but White Bullet’s partnership with 4D can stop this in its tracks, putting a stop to ads appearing on pirate sites and eliminating the piracy risk from programmatic trading altogether.
Stuart Dickinson, White Bullet’s recently appointed Director of Advertising Operations and Client Success, comments: “While programmatic continues to explode, the use of White Bullet’s data to block delivery of ads to copyright-infringing websites – before the bid request has even been received – is game-changing. There are no other players in the programmatic space that can stop ad-funded piracy in this way – before it even happens.”
Programmatic technologies have revolutionised digital advertising, but also opened the door to massive brand safety issues. But when combined with White Bullet’s data and AI, Silverbullet’s engine can cut the risk off at source.
“Our development efforts have been focused on this specific but altogether gigantic problem. Most people are aware of online piracy. Now it’s time for the industry to act to put a stop to large-scale, ad-funded copyright theft, which is fuelling and funding criminal organisations,” adds Dickinson.
For campaigns already running, the engine can layer in White Bullet’s data to analyse activity in real time, pinpointing which impressions could potentially be deployed on high-risk sites. Deploying this technology on current campaigns in this way gives advertisers the ability to analyse traffic and block piracy as it happens.
Peter Szyszko, CEO, White Bullet adds: “This is a hugely positive step for the industry. Our combined solution is accurate, in real time and has the potential to prevent programmatic advertising ever ending up on pirate sites. The industry must sit up and take notice; there is no need to rely on passive block lists anymore. It’s time to take action. The result will be a cleaner, safer, higher performing ecosystem for everyone.”
Silverbullet’s CSO and 4D co-founder, Umberto Torrielli, adds: “Our platform is aimed at both the pre- and post-bid sides of the programmatic equation and represents a significant evolution in contextual targeting, with 4D having been built to address the privacy-first, cookie-free future that’s ahead of us. Following our integration with this best-in-class partner in White Bullet, it’s now possible for advertisers to prevent their campaigns from ever appearing on any pirate website. Together, we are bringing marketing into the modern age while preventing the funding of IP crime with ad dollars.”

White Bullet’s platform detects piracy across multiple digital ecosystems, remaining up-to-date in real-time, and tracking that all-important advertising and financial impact, with AI and machine learning taking the strain. Its Intellectual Property Infringement Platform (IPIP) helps to take the profit out of intellectual property crime: It looks for IP-infringing content, examines each infringement’s context, and determines structural violation on a commercial scale – providing accurate piracy risk scores based on this analysis. It has already prevented millions of pounds of ad spend from funding criminal activity by collaborating with brands, advertisers, regulators and rights owners. It connects rights owners and the advertising industry with real-time data about risk, so all parties can take action.
Source: White Bullet
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